Monday, January 19, 2009

Membuat Menu Alert Box di Friendster


credits by ichigo_reloaded n FTI members
script ini digunakan sebagai menu visitor pada profil kita,untuk lebih jelasnya lihat aj screenshotnya ,dsitu visitor diminta memasukkan input untuk memilih menu-menu yang tersedia pada alert tsb
caranya copy code ini pada bagian A pada JS kmu


ALERT COMMANDS PROMPT posted by ichigo_reloaded @


/*This script by: Tony Rengel and Danny Duran Email us at:

We will make CUSTOM java scripts for your website!!

just keep this header up here! up here!

Thanks. Have a GREAT day!

To edit its pretty simple, just see where the text or URL is

any questions, e-mail */

function commands()


var enter=prompt("commands prompt :\n\n1.continue to my page.\n2.drop some comments for me.\n3.send me a message.\n4.return to your page.\n5.logout from your account.\n\nonly write the number (1-5)"," ");

var yes = 1

if (enter == 1)


alert('continue to my page');


else if (enter == 2)


alert('drop some comments for me');

parent.location.href = ""+pageOwnerID


else if (enter == 3)


alert('send me a message');

parent.location.href = ""+pageOwnerID


else if (enter == 4)


alert('return to your page');

parent.location.href = ""


else if (enter == 5)


alert('log out');

parent.location.href = ""




alert('unknown command !!');





oiya klo kmu baru baca ne n ngga ngerti sbaiknya kmu liat2 dlu ksini y(biar ngerti g2)
2.Menggunakan Linker
3.Koleksi Kode JS
4.Koleksi Kode CSS

Baca Artikel lainnya
FS Hide CP buttons
FS Force Comment
FS Comment Scanner
Menipu jumlah comment FS
FS WVM 2.1
Custom Testimonial


  1. mas mksudnya bagian A dstu tuh apa??
    gk ngerti neh mas
    klo bs jelasin dunk dr prtma :)

  2. wduh jelasin dr prtma...
    cb baca2 aj dlu post2 yg laen bro
    tuh Ym aq
    klo mo tnya dstu aj ,klo aq bs psti q bntu koq

