Friday, March 4, 2011

Mermaid 3D WIP first post on march, this time wanna post my next work in progress...a mermaid ^^. at first i wanna create an anime character but i it's just end up like this haha, the refrence is one of the monsters from online games...nixie from seal online, well...just happened see the seal online artworks :D
okay, this one i created in 3Ds max for the basemesh and textured in Zbrush. im using 2 Zbrush version for this, one for texturing (3.5R3) and one for baking the materials into texture (3.1) cuz i've no idea how to baking the materials in 3,5, it's kinda different. So, i created colors, displacement, and normal map in 3.5 and baking it with materials in 3.1 and then apply that in 3Ds max.
and here they are the work in progress screenshots, hope u enjoyed ^^
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  1. I think you're doing great ziegey..:)

  2. thank you so much Bluedianthus :)
    i will do my best

  3. Although only half, but it seems nice. if allowed to know, Where the results of his gaming applications?

  4. @kang Helmy
    thanks for ur comment, but i don't quite understand what u mean by "results of gaming applications"...maybe u could be more precise :)

  5. i'm not a gamer so i don't know anything about online games. Hehe..but your artworks are really great..keep it up! ^^

  6. Sehr interessanter Artikel, allerdings auch Professionell, Danke für diese Informationen mein Freund! Schönes Wochenende, Joey

  7. Hi, congratulations! You are very good :)

  8. You are so good at this. :)

    Do you think you could make tutorials about it?

    <3 GRYSH

  9. ziegey, you have too much software?
    these good results.

